I am a big believer in giving your health a Kick Start and this signature program will help you whatever your goals.
You might want to drop a dress size in the 28 days.
One of my clients has improved both her acne and psoriasis using the nutrition
I have helped a lot of people with borderline diabetes
IBS Symptoms may disappear
Your energy can increase
Menopause Symptoms can decrease
You could find yourself sleeping like a baby
Ditch faddy diets & exercise for good
Do your self a favour and learn how to do it properly once and for all 🙂
Starting Monday 10th June!
I’m looking for another 15 women to join me this Summer to take part in my Signature Kick Start Program, designed to boost your metabolism and to kick start your health.
The method I use to get my clients into fantastic shape is my well renowed 4 R System which has helped hundreds of women not only nationally but now also globally.
My program is designed to manipulate your hormones to boost health and to switch your body on to fat burning mode so your body is more likely to burn fat as fuel daily instead of it’s sugar stores.
This Program is more than just a nutrition and exercise plan, it’s a guide and education into your whole well-being.
You will leave the 28 days knowing the basic education around fat Loss and how your lifestyle choices and hormones can greatly impact your overall health and waist line.
This Course can be entirely accessed online if you live away, work shifts, childcare issues etc …or you can join me live at my in person classes each week if you live locally as well as unlimited online live/recorded workouts
“Your Kick Start Challenge” runs over 28 days. –
The course consists of the below :-
1.Prior to course commencing 3 questionnaires will be sent
2.Fat Loss Shopping list sent prior with all the essentials to get you all ready to kick start on day one.
3. Access to all my in person classes.
Tuesday Mornings
Metabolic Fitness 9.30am Elite Fitness, Grains Road, Shaw, Oldham.
Wednesday Evenings
Metabolic Fitness 6.30pm Loud Dance Studio, Milnrow
Thursday Morning
Metabolic Class 9.30am, Elite Fitness, Grains Road, Shaw, Oldham.
4. Access to my Online Workouts which can be carried out in your own time around your own schedule.
5. Constant support/accountability/motivation from me over the 28 days of the course
5.Learn the common myths of exercise and nutrition ( worth its weight in gold)
6. Daily support and educational emails
7.Learn the basics about hormones and how they can aid/prevent Fat Loss
8.Beginners guide to meditation audio
10.Learn how stress impacts the body’s ability to burn fat
11.Private access to a members only facebook group to help share ideas, motivate, help and support each other, with myself joining in daily to motivate and help you with any issues you may be having.
12.Find out your unique metabolic type and receive your unique eating plan to help you continue your Fat Loss Journey once the 28 days are over
So for just £3.00 a day over the 28 days (the cost of a Costa Cappuccino ) you can get all the above package to help kick start your health, hormones & fat loss!
The Course is challenging but extremely do-able and like anything you’ll only get out of it what you put in.
If you are the type of person to always make excuses, say yeah “BUT” all the time ,or always looking for the next quick easy fix then this is course is not going to be for you.
I only want to work with people who want to truly change their lifestyle long term and are willing to put maximum effort in over the 28 days
You must be prepared for the first 14 days to give up or at least cut down on wheat/gluten, coffee, alcohol and sugary/processed foods and drinks
If you are willing to give me all you’ve got over the 28 days then I would to love to work with you and I will support you 110%!!
Please note when purchasing the “The Kick Start Challenge” you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions Stated below.
Purchase your Kick Start Program Now
Terms & Conditions
1. I require a minimum amount of people to run a Course so therefore I reserve the right to cancel a Course prior to the start date advertised should I not have sufficient uptake. In the event that I do cancel a Course, your deposit/payment will be refunded in full.
2. I can not hold or reserve a place/booking until payment is received in full
3. If you withdraw or absent from a Course at any point during it’s duration please note that your place is non-transferable to another person.
4. Again If you withdraw or absent from a Course at any point during its duration due to illness or injury (save for an injury suffered during one of my sessions, of which you notify myself present at the time), or for any other reason whatsoever you shall remain liable for the full amount of the Course fee and no part of this shall be refunded to you .
5. Cancellation policy Due to limited places on the Courses places are nonrefundable (unless within the first 7 days)
6. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in good health and do not suffer from any condition(s) or physical impairment(s) which could prevent you from completing a Course/session safely. You must notify myself prior to commencing any Course/session of any such condition(s) or physical impairment(s) which could prevent your safe participation in any of the Topaz Fitness Academy program’s and seek medical advice in respect of the same.
7. You will be required to complete a medical questionnaire prior to commencing any Course of choice. No amendments by you to the form of disclaimer will be accepted.
8. Please understand that partaking in any of the Topaz Fitness Academy Course programs is done so completely at your own risk and by agreeing to these terms and conditions you absolve Topaz Fitness Academy or myself any responsibility of injury.